i loved this contemplation!!! I'm always at odds with whether it's best to focus on quality or quantity because well, for one i'm aware of the pottery parable & believe in it, but i'm also sucked into the allure of what i'm calling "the Quentin Tarantino mentality" lol - only producing a set number of works in one's lifetime (for him it's 10) and being known for just those quality pieces. would love to know your thoughts on why that works for him!? is he just more gifted than the rest of us? lucky? or is there something else at play?

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I hadn’t actually heard that about Tarantino, but that’s super interesting. I think there might be something going on in his case where we don’t necessarily see what’s going on behind the scenes. How many ideas he’s scrapped, or how many projects he’s turned down solely because of his number.

He likely is gifted in his own way, and he knows that his strategy of limiting his output helps him put forward his best work. I think there’s a “to each their own” sort of thing at play here as well, but that takes a deep level of self awareness of your own craft.

I think it’s difficult because I’m someone who does like to practice in public, but that really isn’t for everyone, nor should it be.

I’d be curious to hear other perspectives on this though! Such an interesting topic!!

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